Are you an anti-intellectual?
Please like and share this blog. Lynn Gehl is an Algonquin Anishinaabe-kwe from the Ottawa River Valley. She has a section 15 Charter challenge regarding the continued sex discrimination in The Indian Act, and is an outspoken critic of the Ontario Algonquin land claims and self-government process. She has three books: Anishinaabeg Stories: Featuring Petroglyphs, Petrographs, and Wampum Belts, The Truth that Wampum Tells: My Debwewin of the Algonquin Land Claims Process, and Mkadengwe: Sharing Canada's Colonial Process through Black Face Methodology. You can reach her at [email protected] and see more of her work at
6/13/2014 04:18:25 am
Lyn Gehl's questions are thought provoking and 'inconveniently' so. Hugs. ISH
6/13/2014 06:27:57 am
Really thoughtful, and profound, article (list). Thank you for giving the gift to us.
Heather Majaury
6/13/2014 08:46:57 pm
I really enjoyed this list. It making me think about my own pockets of anti intellectual thinking.
1/13/2015 03:42:20 am
Heather Majaury, your reply to Lynn Gehl was interesting to me. Hugs, ISH.
Frank D'Aquila
6/13/2014 11:19:36 pm
It would be such a treat to sit and discuss each of these questions in a mixed group of engaged individuals to further define them.. No 36 short and elegant the right person explaining that would be awsome . The world we see and feel is a construct of our brain and that is a construct of Matter and Mind and therefore my world cannot be the same as anyone elses.. The fun of that.. Great List Lynn Gehl.
Lisa Shaffmaster
6/16/2014 12:58:34 am
Number 30 is troubling. Many folks assume that because an individual values and defends standards of spoken and written language, that they do not value or understand poorly communicated ideas. It is not an either/or situation. Certainly it is unspeakably rude to correct someone who is attempting to communicate an idea, or to judge a person with limited language skills as unintelligent, but it is dismissive to discount those who value language, as superficial and unthinking.
Walter Vincent
6/22/2014 01:26:05 pm
Good Evening Lynn Gehl, For most of the questions I see the pattern in critical thinking and I believe we are on the same side of the continuum for the ways and forms we believe knowledge is produced, represented, reproduced and consumed. For 23, in my experience it has been professors requesting to not be called Dr. but to be called by first name, I think when people intentionally try to discredit people or devalue them it's intentional and violent- in my observations it's been mostly male students challenging female professors when this happens; so I believe there are larger factors involved. For 22, I have called receiving my MA and other things as PhD/EdD/JD as pieces of paper; not to discredit the efforts it took, because I do see it as an accomplishment- at the same time, the question as to whether or not knowledge is solely in the hands of academics comes back in mind when I think of this, intelligence and intellectual ability is different than education; this is a complicated question. I constantly confront my own schooling against my search for knowledge , this question makes me dig further to complicate this reality and find a way to find balance.
7/13/2014 02:37:20 pm
I appreciate the spirit of the list, and the emphasis on critical thinking. But I wonder why critical thinking directed at educational institutions and their implications within colonialism is considered anti-intellectual. Throughout so much of the world universities and schools have played central roles in colonization, and continue to marginalize Indigenous epistemologies.
lorie laforme
1/12/2015 10:36:36 pm
You contradict yourself
Lynn Gehl
1/13/2015 03:08:26 am
Thank you.
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